Tips to "Audreyfie" your Wardrobe By Patricia Carmona

Hello babes, or as our beloved Audrey would say “Hello My Darlings!”.

Now I must confess I am working with a company on this post. The company Utopiat, which is a clothing company that specializes in recreating the gorgeous outfits that Audrey wore in all our most beloved films and Audrey inspired sets.

Utopiat moto is “I am an Audrey.”, meaning that we all let Audrey inspire our everyday lives. Now we obviously canʼt be Audrey but we can act with such grace and elegance, just like Audrey did. Act with kindness and strength, just

like Audrey did. Now I donʼt know about you but, when I dress like it, I act like it. So to help you with the moto that we all live by, Iʼm going to show you a few items that Audrey wore and how you can get them for the fraction of the price.


Loafers were huge in Audreyʼs style during the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Audrey also said that every woman should have a pair of loafers in her wardrobe.
Audrey in the 1957 film “Funny Face”
Audrey in set of the 1957 film “Funny Face”
As seen above the style of loafers Audrey wore in the 50s was a Penny loafer with the short heel, and the loafers that I found that most resemble them only cost $27.99 and you can get them at your local target or on their website.
Now for those who prefer a tad bit of a heel like I do or like Audrey did in the 60s and 70s can choose this style of loafers.
Only $49.99 and you can get them on asos online store!
Now, Audrey wasnʼt huge on heels due to her being 5ʼ7 but she definitely did love her kitten heels. In films such as “Breakfast at Tiffanyʼs”, Audrey wore the most elegant leather kitten heels. Itʼs sad to say that you wonʼt get the exact brand but these are the closest youʼll get to them.
“Breakfast at Tiffanyʼs” promotion shots (1961)
You can get these lovely vegan heels at Utopiat website!
There arenʼt many photos of Audrey wearing sandals, Iʼm assuming itʼs because the actress never really did for the simple reason that she always thought she had abnormally huge feet. But Iʼm 1953 the actress had to strap on a pair of cute gladiator sandals for the film that introduced Audrey Hepburn into the world.
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in “Roman Holiday” (1953)
You can get these beautiful sandals that will be perfect for summer also in Utopiat‘s website in black or tan.
Now we all know that Audrey loved pearls, and who could blame her, we all love pearls so here’s a few...
Audrey in the 60s
For the ones who prefer this style of pearls and donʼt mind spending the money, hereʼs the same style but with the cost of a few pretty pennies.
Of course theyʼre Tiffanyʼs!!!
And you can get them on their website or any Tiffanyʼs store ( preferably in NYC). But if you rather not spend the money and still look fabulous, I have the same style but in synthetic gold but way cheaper and I can tell you they really are worth it because I have these.
The Kate Spade “Pearls of Wisdom”
Audrey in the 50s
Now if you donʼt like those pair of pearls thereʼs one more pair that Audrey wore in this famous photo shoot.
Eye Wear
Both of these next items will be exact replicas the 1961 film “Breakfast at Tiffanyʼs” sunglasses and eye mask. I havenʼt personally tried them out but my friend Courtney or as you all know as @darlinggaudrey has bought and tried both of these items from Utopiatʼs and loves them.
Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffanyʼs” (1961)
Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffanyʼs” (1961)

Those are just a few things that can make you feel like Audrey therefore make you act with such elegance, grace, and confidence. Thatʼs how I channel my Audrey, we all have different ways that Audrey inspires our lives, for me itʼs fashion, actions, and beauty.