We have spent years attempting to recreate the most accurate and high quality replica of the incredibly gorgeous accessories set from Breakfast at Tiffany’s iconic opening scene. At last, we have developed what we believe to be the most high quality and exquisite replica for those who prefers the best when it comes to dressing as Audrey Hepburn and won't settle for the ordinary cheaply made alternatives. The designs and quality of the pieces is also perfect for any elegant occasions such as bridal, prom or any setting that requires an extra dose of glamour.
All pieces of this set are made with highest quality materials and showcase the finer details of the design.
This Premium 5 Piece Accessory Set Include:
- Asymmetrical, gorgeous hair piece featuring an intricate floral design that will not only appease Audrey fans wishing to recreate the magical fashion moment from the iconic BAT opening scene, but will enchant any special occasion including bridal and birthday celebrations.
- Oval shaped crystal earrings are as close to the original as you will find to the dazzling earrings that graced the ears of the lovely Audrey Hepburn and framed her face so elegantly.
- Incredibly complex, striking necklace features 5 strand of high quality man made pearls, and 100% crystal encrusted pendant and 2 attachment clips to ensure the necklace will stay in place when you are in motion.
- High quality, glamorous long gloves are not only quintessential to completing any vintage, Halloween vixen inspired costumes, these all occasion opera gloves are perfect for any high glamour, formal ensemble.
- Fully-functional and stylish vintage cigarette holder, as seen being used by the Iconic Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, are now available. Our fun, multi-colored cigarette holders are made of environmentally friendly, recyclable aluminum.
Material : Hand made with eco friendly high quality crystals
Premium Necklace
- Circumference : 25″ for the shortest strand and 35″ for the longest strand
- Flower part : Length: 4″ (including 1″ tassel), Width:2.5″
- Dress clip on : length: 1.8″
- Weight : 12.0 oz
Premium Earrings
- Dimensions : Height 1″ ; Width 0.75″ ; Weight 0.4 oz
Premium Tiara
- Dimensions : Height 2.5″ ; Width 3.5″ ; Weight 1.5 oz
Black Satin Gloves
- Length : 14.5″ inches ; Hand Circumference : 7″ inches ; Weight 1.9 oz
Extendable Cigarette Holder :
- Diameter 8 mm ; Circumference 2.51 cm ; Length 6.5″- 13.5″ (Fully extended)
- Material : Eco friendly aluminum that is 100% recyclable
- Weight 0.3 oz
Packaging : Featuring our exclusive Tiffany Turquoise Gift Box with Pink Satin Ribbons