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Utopiat Inspiration

Reviving Vintage Embroidery

by Archetype Themes Collaborator 30 Mar 2016 0 Comments

We profess a maddening obsession for the embroidery work done by the village women of the Bai ethnic group in China’s Yunnan province.

we profess a maddening obsession for vintage embroidery work done by the village women of the Bai ethnic group in China’s Yunnan province. the intricate yet rich and colorful designs stitched with skillful artisanship is a tradition sadly lost in the current generation. we are so thrilled to be acquiring a vast collection of these vintage, one-of-a-kind pieces in varying sizes and incorporating them into modern designs of clothing and accessories pieces that will bear the endless, extinguishing beauty we’d like to help rejuvenate.

the dying art is facing extinction due to the fact that most younger women choose to go into urban cities to seek employment rather than staying behind to learn such time-consuming and intricate craft that requires so much attention to detail and a zen-like patience. despite this, with increasing popularity and demand for such beautiful, irreplaceable embroidery work fused with modern textiles and designs, we hope to encourage a younger generation of women to consider taking up the tradition from the older women of the villages who are able and willing to pass on such skills.

because beauty of this capacity is not meant to cease existing, but rather it should be used time and again to remind us just how creative and skillful human souls can really be when seeking awe-inspiring beauty in life. the Bai women have transformed extraordinary art into timeless pieces and we will meld these gorgeously colorful elements with contemporary style. we are bringing the traditional mandarin muse into the modern age. this is the beautiful side of “Made in China.”

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