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Utopiat Inspiration


by Archetype Themes Collaborator 19 Oct 2016 0 Comments

there seems to be a direct correlation to how deeply a person is willing to wander inward to heal and to expand to one's ability to find and see beauty. 

perhaps Rumi is referring to the man who has the courage to go beneath the matrix of things, despite of the fire, and amidst the darkness, where he inevitably learns to transmute and transcend…he will come to see the beauty of a leaf, a flower, a tree and all of nature's wonderment becomes his salvation.

few had more influence in bringing the sacred, divine connection between nature, men and poetry to the current American sensibilities as poignantly as Robert Bly. Not only is Bly a beautiful poet himself, he is also responsible for some of the most powerful, essential translation and interpretations of the greatest written sages such as Rumi, Kabir, Rilke, Hafiz and modern poets like Neruda etc whose soul words have helped open and shift those of us who seek for truth and beauty that lies only within the magical power of the written word.

we are grateful for those men who had the courage to live out their destiny, and shared their unique geniuses so that these clues of cosmic wisdom can be passed on…because #humanity

it is the Utopiat ideal to gather and share these beautiful teachings within a collective space where we can all come to heal, and to inspire and aspire for the truth and beauty of our collective experience on earth. 

this is why we use 10% of our earnings to support people, projects and organizations that do the great work. and it seems to us that the work becomes great when it is done as soul work. 

this is the last day of a fund raising campaign to help showcase a stunning documentary on the legacy of robert bly “a Thousand Years of Joy" on PBS. if you feel called to, support the campaign here:

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