Utopiat Inspiration

Kuan Yin, The Teacher

“Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel, I am a carpenter of my own soul.” – rumi the hudiefly journey is a soulful manifestation of destiny. it is...

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The Road Less Traveled

The road to redemption for us is also the road rarely travelled. in our journey to seek the truth and beauty of made in china, we find ourselves traveling through...

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The Weaving Machine

Our comrades tirelessly explore the possibilities of blending tested traditions with modern adaptation. There are so many things we love about this other, infinitely more beautiful way of “made in...

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The Three-Day Dye Fest

Jasmine went to our plant-based dye factory for a dye fest where she worked with mr. xiong, our natural dye alchemist. Jasmine went to our plant-based dye factory for a...

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Alchemy with Mr. Xiong

The utopiat + hudiefly brand story is one that is counter-industrialization. The utopiat + hudiefly brand story is one that is counter-industrialization. it is meant to inspire a revolution, where...

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Ethical Industrialization

It was amazing to visit the pioneer natural dye company in china yesterday whose mission is to bring plant-based dye onto an industrial scale. although we are partial to our...

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